From August 5 to 9, 2024, the Province of Saint Augustine of Nigeria gathered at the Augustinian Institute in Makurdi, Benue State, to hold its seventh Ordinary Provincial Chapter.
Accompanied by Father Alejandro Moral and the General Assistant for Africa, Father Edward Daleng, the Chapter was presided over by the re-elected Provincial Prior, Father Ikechukwu Anthony Kanu, who, with gratitude, shares the work carried out by the 103 friars who attended the Chapter over these five days.
The Chapter days were filled with activities focused primarily on designing and crafting pastoral, economic, educational, religious, and social service plans that will allow the Province to advance.
“A Chapter that has Brought Much Joy to the Brothers in Nigeria”
The opening Mass took place on the morning of August 6, celebrated by Bishop John N. Niyiring, OSA, the Augustinian bishop of the Diocese of Kano. During the homily, he exhorted all friars to use this assembly as a time to reflect on the ideals of the Augustinian way of life.
“Looking back now,” Father Anthony shares, “I believe the Chapter has been a success. Our friars have paid attention to the effort that the Order asks of us to walk in harmony with our ideal of working diligently for unity of mind and heart. This is something that remains with us and has been palpable both in the activities and in the cordial and fraternal discussions.”
The State of the Province
In addition to the election of the Provincial Prior and his Council members, there was an opportunity to review the documents covering the last four years in detail.
“This Chapter has brought great joy to the hearts of all the brothers who gathered. We have many achievements to our credit,” says the Provincial Prior.
“We have a clear roadmap and the determination that, with God’s help and our daily prayers, we will be able to complete future initiatives successfully and in due time.”
Among them is the new Secondary School – Saint Augustine’s College in Yola, Adamawa State. Another project is the new classroom block and hall at Saint Monica’s Academy/College in Rantya, Jos, Plateau State, where it is also planned to build accommodations for the staff.
Other proposals set for development in the next four years include:
Expanding the administrative block at Saint Augustine’s College in Oghara, Delta State.
The National Shrine of Saint Rita, F.C.T., in Abuja.
Father’s House in Ekpoma, Edo State.
A residence for the sick and elderly.
The Situation in Nigeria: Corruption, De-Christianization, and the Hope of the Order
“We are pleased with this Chapter, but it pains us to see Nigeria, as a nation, still divided and facing serious economic and spiritual challenges. However, we are happy that the friars of the Chapter seek ways for the Province to help alleviate these problems and face these challenges.”
Father Daleng, the General Assistant for Africa and a native of Nigeria, reflects on the many current challenges of the country.
“Today, there are many challenges in Nigeria. The levels of corruption are intolerable. De-Christianization is a reality. People seek other ways to feel God’s closeness, but we know that neo-paganism or these new syncretic paths are not the Gospel solution. We must understand this reality and prepare ourselves to respond,” Father Edward says.
“Initial and ongoing formation are key aspects for the Augustinians. We need to help young Nigerians both intellectually and religiously and also in their emotional lives. If we are not prepared, we will not be able to help ourselves or the people we work with.”
Father Kanu also stated that the friars have agreed that the Province could undertake activities such as commercial agriculture, the profits from which will be used to assist the most in need. This will support scholarship programs for the children of the underprivileged, while also strengthening catechetical work to counter the growing
"We rely on the leadership of the Provincial Council, the support of the Prior General and his Council, the continued cooperation of all the friars of the Province and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to fulfil our collective aspirations". Fr. Anthony Kanu
On the other hand, Father Kanu, in statements to the Office of Communications of the General Curia, acknowledges that the friars have agreed that the Province can undertake activities such as commercial agriculture, whose profits will be used to help those most in need. In this way, scholarship programs can be adopted to assist the children of the less privileged, while also strengthening catechetical work to counteract the effects of Pentecostalism, which is increasingly rooted in the African nation.
"I believe we have a very bright future as a Province. We trust in the leadership of the Provincial Council, the support of the Prior General and his Council, the continued cooperation of all the friars in the Province, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to fulfill our collective aspirations."
Finally, Father Kanu, as he did at the closing of the Chapter, wanted to thank God for so many blessings, asking for His protection over the Province, the Order of St. Augustine, and the entire African country, where the hope for a more prosperous future is alive.