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The Prior General in Cuba: "We Augustinians are, and will remain, with the Cuban people"

From 4th-7th June, the Augustinian friars of the three communities in Cuba (one in the capital, a second in Chambas, and a third in Puerto Padre) came together at the "Casa Sacerdotal" of Havana, together with the Prior General of the Order, Father Alejandro Moral, to look back over the pastoral and social programme carried out over the last few years.

The Prior General, as he informed the Office of Communication of the General Curia, wanted to thank the Augustinian friars of Cuba "for their mission and service"; encouraging them to strengthen community life in times of adversity: “It is in the most difficult places where community life is most needed. The living of our charism of 'one heart and one soul in God' helps us to carry out the mission."

The report on the delegation, covering both opportunities and difficulties, and presented by Fr José Alberto, allowed the Prior General to know in full detail the reality of life for each of our communities, recently impacted by health problems affecting some of the friars there.

"We are clear that our presence as an Order, in the present context, is very important right now. We want to be close to the people.”

A whole life in the service of others 

On 7th June 7, the theatre of the San Carlos and San Ambrosio Seminary of the Archdiocese of Havana was the venue for the official farewell ceremony of Fr Luciano Borg, an Augustinian friar from Malta.

The event was attended by the Prior General, the seminary administration, professors, diocesan seminarians and religious. The Rector started the evening by thanking Fr Luciano for his long academic and spiritual service to the seminary. After this introduction, Fr Luciano himself gave a talk on the priesthood in the Fathers of the Church, covering also the cultural and religious situation that the Caribbean country is going through right now.

Immediately afterwards, they expressed their own words of affection for Fr Luciano, for his academic teaching and spiritual direction, as well as his fraternal affection towards them.

About Fr Luciano: his relentless enthusiasm for the higher formation of seminarians

Fr. Luciano Borg was born on the Mediterranean island of Malta on 26th December 1943. He entered the Order in 1960. He studied theology at our St Monica International College from 1963-1967, gaining his licentiate in theology from the Lateran University. After his ordination to the priesthood, he continued his higher studies at the Higher Institute of Philosophy of the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium where he completed his doctorate in 1974. In September 1972 he was sent to our mission in Hippo, Algeria, where he worked in pastoral ministry and, at the same time, used his academic formation to make the philosophy, theology and spirituality of St Augustine known in Algeria and Tunisia.

From 1989-2001 he was president of the AFA, working to consolidate the Augustinian presence in Africa, taking care of the Augustinian formation of professed Augustinians and Augustinian Sisters in French-speaking Africa, especially the younger ones.

In 2001 he was elected Provincial of the Augustinians of Malta, a role he carried out faithfully for eight years.

After completing his second term as Provincial, the Prior General at the time, Fr Robert Prevost OSA, assigned him to our mission in Cuba.

Fr Luciano arrived in Havana on 29th July 2010 and immediately joined the faculty of the seminary of the Archdiocese of Havana. In fact, the then Cardinal Jaime Ortega had asked the Order for help in the academic formation of the seminarians.

"He has turned 80 years old and has taught in this centre for 14 years. I have witnessed the enormous esteem in which he is held and how everyone speaks highly of his classes, his spiritual direction, and his character. He has brought God and St Augustine to many people," said Fr Alejandro.

Despite retirement beckoning, Fr Luciano remains committed to higher education, and will continue to be head of the department of history of philosophy and professor of the Institute of Humanities, work that seeks to weave ties and broaden the horizons of a university youth formed in "positivism and Marxism-Leninism". In his own words: “We are driven to offer a different perspective at life, inspired by gospel values and the social teaching of the Church." Today, the Institute, located in the former seminary, already has two cycles: ecclesiastical baccalaureate and bachelor's degree.

With a reputation for enthusiasm and a spirit of dedication for the task at hand, Fr Luciano Borg, during his meeting with the Prior General, took the opportunity to convey his availability to continue with the mission in Cuba: “I am happy and content to still be useful to the Church, to the Order, to the Augustinian Delegation of Cuba, and not least to the Cuban people."



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