From September 26th to 30th, the commission in charge for the revision of the Constitutions of the contemplative sisters of the Order of Saint Augustine met at the Fray Luis de León house in Guadarrama, Madrid province (Spain).
Convened by the Prior General in order to review the work done so far and to plan what still remains to be done, this group of sisters – 15 nuns on behalf of the five federations – represents the monasteries of the Order that, for over a year, have been working intensively on the text of their Constitutions.
This process is being carried out mainly through periodic online meetings. Being able to meet physically on this occasion has been, in the sisters' words, “a wonderful opportunity to pray together and reflect face to face” on the new document.
‘Not just rules’, Prior General of the Order of Saint Augustine
The Prior General, Father Alejandro Moral, commented on the meeting and its impact a few weeks later. “This journey unites us much more, making us care about the other sisters, the other monasteries, and the other federations. It has been a great effort after many online meetings.”
“The gathering offered a path of dialogue and connection within diversity,” observes Father Alejandro. There are five federations, each distinct, although all are federations of Augustinian contemplative monasteries; “for instance, monasteries have different forms of cloister, depending on what the Church’s documents allow.”
“The Holy See asks us to be the ones who set norms for living our religious life. However, it is necessary to go deeper, as it is not only about setting rules,” Father Alejandro explains. “It is a path of life. In the Order, we want to work together, friars and sisters.” For us, the work of renewing the Constitutions is an experience of communion, of one heart and one soul, which, God willing, will conclude its process in 2025.”
“There is still work to be done”
The long days of meetings were “rich in contributions,” according to the Augustinian sisters, who have expressed their gratitude for the companionship of the Prior General, the Order's General Secretary, and the religious assistants from the various federations.
“We can only express a feeling of communion and enrichment for all, knowing that there is still a bit of work to be done.” “We are aware that this long journey together in the preparation of the Constitutions is a precious grace of fraternal communion, and therefore, the journey is as important as reaching the final goal.”
Both the Augustinian sisters in general and those committed to this challenge see the task assigned as an opportunity for renewal “not only for today’s monasteries, but also for all those sisters who will embrace the Augustinian contemplative life in the near future.”
The Augustinian sisters present at the meeting expressed gratitude for the hospitality and generosity of the Augustinian fathers of the Province of San Juan de Sahagún, who provided the House of Guadarrama for this gathering. “We especially thank the Prior General, his General Secretary, the assisting fathers who accompanied us, and each sister of the Commission, who has been the visible face of her respective Federation. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide us, and may the Lord be the center and destination of this path we have embarked on. May Mary always accompany us.”