From July 10 to 14, in the district of Tlalpan (Mexico City), the intermediate chapter of the Mexican Province was celebrated, presided over by the Prior General, Fr. Alejandro Moral, together with the General Councilor for Latin America, Fr. Alex Lam

During the five days that the chapter lasted, the headquarters of the Provincial Curia welcomed all the capitular members. According to what Fr. Lam tells us, every intermediate chapter has the objective of "evaluating the development of the provincial program approved two years ago"; it's like a kind of review and self-assessment in the middle of the period. The brothers of the province, in addition to this, wanted to work in groups on the creation of new statutes, which after some work sessions and discussion, were temporarily approved while waiting to be confirmed within two years, in the ordinary chapter.
Analysis of the situation and future challenges
When evaluating the development of the provincial program, all the participants agreed on the need to address, among many other things, two great challenges facing this province of the North America: on the one hand, the question of vocations, for which it was proposed to reconsider initial formation, taking into account the high number of vocations raised in the adult stage of life, which requires a specific treatment according to the situation. The other challenge dealt with in the chapter was the economic situation of the Province; For this, after evaluating the different action fronts, an attempt was made to propose improvements in the short and medium term, creating projects to try to face such a challenge in a satisfactory way for the Order and for the development of its mission and charism.
In general terms, as the General Councilor told us, throughout the week there was a very pleasant climate of participation, cooperation and communion; all the brothers wanted to be able to collaborate, full of hope and desire to move forward, with great welcome and acceptance of all the proposals and activities that are being carried out at this time.
