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Diploma in Augustinian Pedagogy, fruit of collaboration between Augustinians and Augustinian Recollects in Venezuela

Writer's picture: OSA CuriaOSA Curia

The third edition of the Diploma in Augustinian Pedagogy concluded last February 21. Thirty-one teachers from Augustinian schools completed their training. 

The program of Diploma in Augustinian Pedagogy, an initiative promoted by the Order of Saint Augustine in Venezuela, the Order of Augustinian Recollects (OAR) and the Andrés Bello Catholic University (UCAB), has as its objective to facilitate the acquisition of pedagogical skills and competencies by the teachers through the study of the teaching of Saint Augustine.

This third edition of the Diploma had, once again, a large team of Augustinian professors, Augustinian Recollects and teachers from UCAB. The modular contents that are developed during the four months of the program cover a notable variety of courses, among which stand out: analysis and guided reading of works such as De Magistro, De Catechizandis Rudibus, De Doctrina Christiana; or Pedagogy of Augustinian values: interiority, common good and solidarity; friendship, transcendence, freedom and responsibility, restlessness and truth. 

As has been communicated by the direction of the program itself, during these months there has been no lack of topics related to educational management: institutional strategic vision, pedagogical leadership, quality management, change, innovation and entrepreneurship in education, educational competencies for the 21st century?

A diploma to strengthen the Augustinian charism

The ceremony was presided over by the Academic Vice Rector of UCAB, José Francisco Juárez; the Director of CIAP, Professor Miguel Goncalves, and Miguel del Valle Huerga, professor of UCAB. Also present were Augustinian religious and directors of the Augustinian colleges of Venezuela.

Dr. Jose Francisco Juarez stressed the importance of consolidating "the identity of the Augustinian charism and transferring it to the students, teachers and families", praised the initiative of the Diploma and proposed to the representatives of the Augustinian family present there the challenge of giving continuity to the program and expanding it to the country and the region in successive editions.

Alfredo Sanchez OAR, representing the Augustinian Recollects of Venezuela, congratulated the graduates and emphasized the value for the teaching staff of "ongoing formation as a strategy to continue to effectively guide the youth towards personal fulfillment and the construction of a better society.

In conclusion, Professor Miguel del Valle thanked the various institutions (UCAB-CIAP-OSA-OAR) for their support to the program, congratulated the graduates for having reached the goal by overcoming the demands of the program and urged the participants to live what they have learned, communicate the experience and "contribute to the improvement of the quality of education in their respective work centers". 


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