Prior General
The Prior General is the head of the Order and its supreme authority, after the General Chapter. The Order commends its administration and governance into his care with confidence in his foresight and faithfulness. The Prior General, therefore, is to be obeyed as a father. He himself should be the servant of all, in order that the common good of the Order may be realized.

The Prior General, Fr. Alejandro Moral Antón, OSA was born in La Vid (Burgos), Spain, on June 1, 1955. He entered the novitiate of the Augustinian Province of Spain in 1972 and professed his religious vows on September 12, 1973. Following studies in La Vid and Madrid, he continued his academic preparation at the Collegio Internazionale S. Monica in Rome, and made his Solemn Profession in September 1980. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 20, 1981.
Father Alejandro served his Province at various times as librarian, bursar, director of formation, and Provincial counselor. In 1995, at the age of 40, he was elected Prior Provincial and served in this capacity until his election as Vicar General of the Order in 2001. From that time until his election as Prior General he has been a member of the Order's General Curia and has held various responsibilities: as President for the Commission charged with the revision of the Constitutions, President of the Economic Commission, and President of the Order's Secretariat for Justice and Peace; from 2004 until 2013 he served as Procurator General of the Order and from 2009 until his first election as Prior General in 2013 he served as Assistant to one of the two Federations of Augustinian Contemplative Nuns in Spain. At the Ordinary General Chapter of 2019, Father Alejandro was re-elected to serve as Prior General for a second term of six years.