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The meeting of formators and vocation promoters in Colombia was quite a surprise
Vocation promoters and directors of formation from the nine Augustinian circumscriptions of Latin America met in Bogota, Colombia, from...

Fr Wilson Injarapu: "The OSAAP region actively contributes to the mission, with numerous friars serving around the world"
The Order of St Augustine in the Asia-Pacific Region (OSAAP) has elected its new president and vice-president: Fr Wilson Viswanath...

Diploma in Augustinian Pedagogy, fruit of collaboration between Augustinians and Augustinian Recollects in Venezuela
The third edition of the Diploma in Augustinian Pedagogy concluded last February 21. Thirty-one teachers from Augustinian schools...

Interview with Fr. Rocco Ronzani, new president of the Augustinian Historical Institute: "Research is fundamental to revive the awareness of the gifts received by the Augustinians"
The work of the Institutum Historicum Augustinianum (IHA), currently consisting of forty members –religious and lay–, is an expression of...

The Vicariate of Venezuela celebrates its Intermediate Chapter "with full jars"
From 9-13 February, two important events took place in the Vicariate of Venezuela: the Vicariate Retreat and the Intermediate Chapter,...

Fr Alejandro to the chapter brothers in Cebu: "Apostolate and mission are born of a strong community and spiritual life"
Cebu celebrates its eleventh Ordinary Provincial Chapter (OPC) in the presence of the Prior General and the Assistant General for...

Fr. Nello Cipriani: passes away one of the great teachers and intellectuals of the Pontifical Patristic Institute Augustinianum
The Prior General of the Order of St. Augustine, Fr. Alejandro Moral Anton, together with the Prior of the Augustinian Province of Italy...

The Prior General visits the augustinian convent of Intramuros in Manila
Following the celebration of the novena of the Santo Niño of Cebu, and before his return to Rome, the Prior General took the opportunity...
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