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Fr Alejandro Moral in Cascia with Cardinal Prevost: "St Rita is a model of charity and mediator for peace"
On 21st May, Father Alejandro Moral presided over a Mass for the entire Order on the vigil of the liturgical celebration of St Rita of...

Pope Francis to the Order of St Augustine: "Strengthen the life of faith in your houses, communities and apostolates"
After the conclusion of the last General Council, Father Alejandro Moral stopped by to tell us about his private audience with the Holy...

Prior General on the Solemnity of Pentecost: ‘The certainty that we are not alone fills us with hope and Life’
Father Alejandro Moral wanted to share with the whole Order of St. Augustine some words of encouragement and hope on the great feast of...

The Prior General at Corpus Christi: ‘It is this sacrament that makes us divine’
Father Alejandro shares with the Order a brief message on this much loved and celebrated Solemnity Our father St Augustine, when speaking...

«Sub regula Augustini»: a new international congress in the Pontificial Patristicum
The Prior General of the Order of Saint Augustine, Fr Alejandro Moral Antón, has announced plans for an international congress promoted...

The Board of Directors of the OALA holds its annual meeting
The Board of Directors of the Organization of Augustinians of Latin America (OALA) held its annual meeting in the city of Santo Domingo,...

The Italian Chapter: a fruitful dialogue on the future of the mission
The Ordinary Provincial Chapter of the Province of Italy was held over six days in April, from the 15th to the 21st. The gathering took...

The Province of Malta celebrates its IPC on the road to Emmaus
The Intermediate Provincial Chapter of the Province of Malta was held at Saint Rita's House in Saint Julian's from 22-24 April Presided...
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