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The Augustinian Fr. Robert Prevost, new Prefect of the Dicastery for Bishops
The 30 of January 2023, the Holy See announced in a brief communiqué that the Prior General of the Order of St. Augustine from 2001 to...

Prior General's historic visit to Vietnam
From 6th to 9th January Fr Alejandro Moral Anton OSA, Prior General, accompanied by the Assistant General for the Asia-Pacific (Fr Tony...

Fr. Alejandro after 70 years of Augustinian presence in Indonesia: "I want to thank all the missiona
Fr Alejandro Moral gives us a first-hand account of the echoes, impressions and insights gained from his last visit to Indonesia Today,...

Augustinian students in Nigeria committed to democratic inclusion in the country
Fr. Caius F. Kakaba, OSA, principal of St. Augustine's College, in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria, wanted to make known to the rest of the...

Echoes with Benedict XVI: "His dedication to the Church was a blessing for the Augustinians"
Robert Francis Prevost Martínez wanted to recall some moments with the Pope Emeritus. A priest of the Order of Saint Augustine, Father...

The Prior General on Benedict XVI: "We rejoice in this gift that God has given us in him"
In a heartfelt letter, the Prior General "mourned" the death of "our beloved Pope Emeritus", of whom we will always remember his great...

Fr. Paul Graham: a portrait of a quiet man always at the service of the Order and the Church
Between the ephemeral, the corruption, the beautiful and the eternal, we pass through life. Our brother, the General Councillor for...

The Christmas Message of the Prior General of the Order: "Let us always live with hope and humility"
Father General Alejandro Moral sent a Christmas video-message to the brothers and sisters of the Order, and to the rest of the...
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