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Diocesan phase for the canonisation of missionary Salustiano Miguélez begins
At the historic cathedral in the Argentine city of Salta, the diocesan investigation was initiated into the life, virtues, reputation for...

The Patristic Institute tackles the relationship between the face of God and ancient christianity
During the second week of May, the 49th Meeting of Scholars of Christian Antiquity was convened at the Pontifical Augustinian Patristic...

The Augustinian Province of Brazil: ten years of constant growth
Over the end of May and the beginning of June, the General Councillor for South America, Fr Alex Lam, was on a general visitation with...

The "24 hours with Him" initiative connects Augustinian communities in 12 countries
About 4,000 people, including many members and friends of the OSA family, prayed with the Lord and with each other during the Solemnity...

Migration issue marks Prior General's last canonical visit to Korea
At the beginning of June, the Prior General of the Order and the Assistant General visited the Delegation of Korea. Fr. Alejandro,...

Fr. Alejandro celebrates a milestone Jubilee in Spain with twelve other Augustinians
The Golden Jubilee anniversary of the Prior General was marked in the Monastery of Santa María de la Vid, in the province of Burgos,...

European major superiors discuss the collaboration processes underway in Europe
From the 13th-16th June, the Organisation of Augustinians of Europe (OAE) met in Fatima, Portugal, bringing together the European major...

Augustinian Youth Encounter promises what "a week full of surprises"
From 25th-30th July, just one week before World Youth Day, Lisbon will first rock with the sound of EJA. Hymns and psalms will soon be...
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