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The Vicariate of India celebrates the 450 years of the Order's presence in the country
Last June 10, the Vicariate of India, celebrated the inauguration of the Jubilee in the minor seminary of St. Augustine in Edacochin. The...

Ecuador celebrates 450 years of Augustinian service
On the afternoon of Friday 21st July, a most anticipated celebration for the Augustinian family in Ecuador finally arrived: it was...

The Province of Our Lady of Grace of Colombia celebrates its Intermediate Provincial Chapter
From July 5 to 7, the Intermediate Provincial Chapter of the Colombian province was held in the convent of Santo Tomás de Villanueva,...

The National Congress of Lay Augustinians of Australia, a meeting of hope and renewal
From July 7 to 9, in Brisbane (Australia), with the motto “Walking together”, the 7th National Congress of Lay Augustinians was held,...

Mexico's IPC: A mid-term chapter pointing to the future
From July 10 to 14, in the district of Tlalpan (Mexico City), the intermediate chapter of the Mexican Province was celebrated, presided...

The new board of OALA meets in Conocoto
The new board of OALA met in Conocoto - Quito, Ecuador, from July 18 to 20, on the occasion of the celebration of the 450th anniversary...

The Augustinian Province of Our Lady of Consolation in Brazil:life and dynamism in the peripheries
From June 13 to the first week of July, the visit of canonical renewal to the Province took place and was carried out by the General...

Fr Alejandro to the youth of the AYE: "Love intensely, with passion and charity"
The photographer Guadalupe de la Vallina said, over a drink with young Catholic humanitarians a few years ago in Madrid, that "there is...
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