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Our Lady of Grace of Colombia: a young and growing Province
From October 2 to 21, 2023, the Assistant General for Latin America, Fr. Alexander Lam, made the General Visitation of Renewal to the...

Prior General at the Ordinary Provincial Chapter of Chile:"Community life must be strengthened"
"There is no need to be afraid, little flock, for it has pleased your Father to give you the Kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to...

Father Wilson Visits the Provinces of Belgium and Holland
Father Ian Wilson, Assistant General of the Order for Northern Europe, visited the Provinces of Holland and Belgium over the final days...

70 years since the Order entered the jungles of West Papua to bring the Gospel to the people
The link between West Papua and the Order of St. Augustine celebrated its 70th anniversary this year. Fr. Tony Banks, Assistant General...

St. Rita of Marylake: a center of hope for seniors in Canada
The Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel, which comprises communities and ministries in Canada and the Midwest, is working...

First visitation of renewal to the newly created Province of St. John of Sahagún
On October 1, Fr. Javier Pérez Barba, Assistant General for Southern Europe, began his visitation of the communities of the Province of...

Malta's first Catholic school has an Augustinian stamp: 175th anniversary of the College
The 23rd of October 2023, marks the 175th anniversary of the foundation of Saint Augustine College which started as Saint Augustine...

"At the service of the Church and the world": the Pont. Augustinian P.I begins a new academic year
The opening of the 2023-2024 academic year of the Patristicum took place during the first week of October. From the earliest years of the...
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