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The sisters of Lecceto welcome five Augustinian friars "from very distant lands"
In the days leading up to the celebration of the Course for Provincial Secretaries at the General Curia in Rome, the Assistant General...

Formators and vocation promoters from five african circumscriptions gather in Nigeria
Fr Joe Farrell, responsible for the International Commission for Initial Formation and Augustinian Vocation Promotion together with Fr...

Fr. Bill Atkinson OSA: The first quadriplegic priest of the Catholic Church
The Order of St. Augustine possesses countless testimonies of men and women who, in their passage through the world, left trails of...

Christmas in the sermons of St Augustine: "He became man who made man"
This year, as in years past, in the lead-up to Christmas our streets are decorated with lights and garlands, our tables laden with...

Monsignor Luis Marín on St John XXIII: "His example invites us to always realise the will of God"
The Parish of St Emmanuel and St Benedict, Madrid, hosted the book launch of "I speak to your heart: a biography of St. John XXIII"...

Fr Alejandro presides over the second Chapter of Our Lady of Consolation of Brazil: "There was total unity among all"
The second Ordinary Chapter of the Province of Our Lady of Consolation, Brazil - one of two provinces in the Amazonian country - was held...

Bolivia approaches its last Ordinary Chapter with the Prior General in "good spirits, hope and great expectations"
Presided over by the Prior General of the Order of Saint Augustine, the Ordinary Provincial Chapter of the Vicariate of Bolivia took...

The Ursuline Sisters of Malta have been added to the Order of St. Augustine
Last December 22nd, in the Church of the Holy Family located in the town of Tas-Sliema, Malta, a simple but significant ceremony took...
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