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The Renewal Visit to the Province of Villanova concludes: "A concern for many friars is how to respond pastorally to the complicated issue of immigration in the United States"
The Vicar General of the Order of Saint Augustine and Assistant for North America, Father Joseph Farrell, accompanied by the Assistant...

The Augustinians face the great challenge of education in Papua, where the Papuans are "refugees in their own land"
During the last days of the past year, Father Anthony Banks, general counselor for the Asia and Pacific region, made a brief but fruitful...

A time for conversion and dwelling in interiority. Message from the Prior General for this Lent of 2025
Dear brothers and sisters, Two weeks have passed since the penitential sign of ashes was placed on our foreheads. On Ash Wednesday, as...

Father Alexander Lam OSA after his renewal visit to the Vicariate of Apurímac: "The Augustinians stood alongside the people amidst suffering and violence"
During the month of December, the General Assistant for Latin America, Father Alexander Lam, OSA, visited the Apostolic Vicariate of St....

Educating from the heart: Augustinian wisdom for the challenges of the 21st century
The Commission for Apostolate and Evangelization of the Augustinian General Curia, in collaboration with the Unicervantes University of...

Father Alejandro after the last Chapter in Congo: "We want our Vicariates to be strong so that we can help those in need"
After the Renewal Visit to the Vicariate of Our Lady of Grace in India, the Prior General, accompanied by the Assistant General for...

Conclusion of Father Joseph Farrell's Renewal Visitation of the Province of California
During February 2025, the Vicar General and Assistant for North America, Fr. Joseph Farrell, OSA, carried out the renewal visitation of...

The Prior General in the Vicariate of India: “Our brother friars are very aware of the importance of community”
Father Alejandro Moral, Prior General of the Order of St. Augustine, visited the Vicariate of Our Lady of Grace of India.

The Augustinians in Rome discuss the reception of the thought of St. Augustine on religious life throughout history
The Commission for the Patristic Institute and Augustinian Studies, in collaboration with the Historical Institute of the Order,...

Prior General at the dedication of the new chapel of Our Mother of Good Counsel in Nairobi: ‘The people here love the Augustinian seminarians as if they were their own children’
On December 10, 2024, the formators, students, seminarians, relatives and friends of the International House of St. Augustine Convent in...

Guardians of family intimacy: the Vicariate of the Antilles promotes an important social work project advocating for dignified housing in the Dominican Republic
During the month of November, the Assistant General for Latin America, Father Alexander Lam, made a visitation of renewal to the...

Prior General's Christmas message: “Let us not despair even if the bombs sound louder; let us embrace hope, let us cultivate hope”
Dear brothers and sisters, members of the Order and of the Augustinian Family: What contradictory times we are living in! They are times...

The Assistant General for Northern Europe points out the main challenge in Poland: “The vocational question must be faced with urgency, determination and faith”
The Assistant General for Northern Europe, Father Ian Wilson, together with Father Joseph Farrell, visited the Province of Poland. ...

The Augustinian friars of Ecuador “keep their spirits up in the face of the current challenges” after their last Chapter
During the last week of November, the Ordinary Provincial Chapter of Ecuador was held in the house of St. Francis de Sales in the city of...

The Prior General at the revision of the new constitutions of the Augustinian contemplative nuns: ‘This path unites us much more’
From September 26th to 30th, the commission in charge for the revision of the Constitutions of the contemplative sisters of the Order of...

Work completed on the Basilica of San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro: St. Augustine more visible and accessible than ever before
The work of “liturgical improvements” carried out in the Basilica of San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro have come to a happy conclusion for...

The Prior General after his visit to the Province of Germany: "It is a great blessing to spend time with our novices"
During the first week of September, Father Alejandro Moral had the opportunity to visit 36 religious and novices in five of the...

A capitular and assembly summer in the USA
Throughout the month of June the Augustinians in the United States have been immersed in various assembly and chapter processes that have...

Father Lam on his pastoral visit to the Province of San Miguel de Quito: "I see great effort to bring the friars closer together"
After two weeks, and having covered more than 2,500 kilometres over rugged mountains and through dense jungle - but always with something...

The Prior General in Cuba: "We Augustinians are, and will remain, with the Cuban people"
From 4th-7th June, the Augustinian friars of the three communities in Cuba (one in the capital, a second in Chambas, and a third in...
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