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The geographical footprint of St. Augustine in cities and places around the world
The time in which Saint Augustine lived was an era of changes and controversies. The Roman Empire was divided between the Greek East and...

«There is a hunger for God in Cuba, and we are intended to be priests, guides of interiority, seekers of God»
José Alberto Escobar is the Delegate Superior in Cuba of the Order of Saint Augustine; in the Caribbean island, he is intimately...

Pope Francis receives the Augustinian nuns of Talavera de la Reina: “Always be an example of interior life, teachers of prayer”
Last November 7, our Augustinian nuns of Talavera de la Reina, Spain, had a very special meeting in the Clementine Hall with Pope...

Cor Unum: one heart to unite the Augustinian youth in Colombia
On November 2nd, 3rd and 4th of 2024, in the community center of the Order of Saint Augustine in Colombia, located in Villeta,...

The young augustinian religious of Latin America and the Caribbean raise their voice in Lima: "We renew our “yes” to God and consecrate our lives to his service and that of our brothers and sisters"
“In the here and now of our lives, history calls out to us and urges us to offer a prophetic response to the existing challenges.” This...

The laity speak after their congress: “We must think about the future we will have in the more aging provinces”
Last July, the Fifth International Congress of the Augustinian Laity took place in Rome. Nearly 100 participants from 28 circumscriptions...

The Province of Nigeria: ready for a “bright future” after its Latest Chapter
From August 5 to 9, 2024, the Province of Saint Augustine of Nigeria gathered at the Augustinian Institute in Makurdi, Benue State, to...

The Augustinian Sisters of Mozambique: Training and Welcoming Amidst Cyclones and Terrorists
Amidst the joyful hustle of the community and the thatched huts, with millet porridge and chapati as breakfast for the entire day, the...

The Province of San Juan de Sahagún leaves "strengthened and united in mission" after its last Ordinary Chapter
On Monday, July 8, the II Ordinary Provincial Chapter of the Province of St. John of Sahagún began at the Fray Luis de León Residence in...

Another success for Augustinian Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro
The 7th Augustinian Youth Day, organised by the Province of Our Lady of Consolation of Brazil, reflected, lived and highlighted the...

Women, dialogue and the Rule of Saint Augustine: channels for peace in Africa during the last Augustinian Week
Around the theme "Augustine and cultural dialogue: theoretical foundation, method and practice", about 30 religious, among them the...

Kerala marks its recent Chapter with “renewed faith, strengthened unity, and unflinching dedication”
Celebrating Progress and Unity”: Fr Wilson Injarapu, Vicar General of India, shares his impressions of the recent Intermediate Chapter of...

The Augustinian friars in the Netherlands: eight centuries of a challenging history
From 21st-23rd April, Prior General, Father Alejandro Moral, together with Bursar General, Father Franz Klein, visited the friars of the...

Augustinians in Philadelphia: unravelling the first home of the Augustinian friars in the US
"The City of Brotherly Love," the moniker by which Philadelphia is fondly known, seems a fitting label for what was the first home of the...

«Sub regula Augustini»: a new international congress in the Pontificial Patristicum
The Prior General of the Order of Saint Augustine, Fr Alejandro Moral Antón, has announced plans for an international congress promoted...

The Board of Directors of the OALA holds its annual meeting
The Board of Directors of the Organization of Augustinians of Latin America (OALA) held its annual meeting in the city of Santo Domingo,...

The Italian Chapter: a fruitful dialogue on the future of the mission
The Ordinary Provincial Chapter of the Province of Italy was held over six days in April, from the 15th to the 21st. The gathering took...

The Province of Malta celebrates its IPC on the road to Emmaus
The Intermediate Provincial Chapter of the Province of Malta was held at Saint Rita's House in Saint Julian's from 22-24 April Presided...

Evangelization and Artificial Intelligence: professors, principals and Augustinians address one of the great challenges of the 21st Century
The University of San Agustin in Iloilo, Philippines, will host from 22-26 July this year an International Congress on Education under...

Fr Ian Wilson chairs Irish IPC with union with Anglo-Scottish Province on the table
From 10-14 March, forty members of the Irish Province gathered for an Intermediate Provincial Chapter. The event took place at the...
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